Tea Tree Gully Croquet Club, this Friday 24th February

Come along and have fun playing CROQUET at Tea Tree Gully Croquet Club, cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley, this Friday 24th February, from 7-9 p.m. $10 entry (cash only).

Equipment and assistance provided. Book at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com


What better way to spend an evening. Warm weather. Cool grass. Beautiful trees. Join us on Friday 10th Feb from 7-9 p.m. playing, or trying to play CROQUET. $10 entry (cash only). Equipment and assistance provided.

CROQUET! It’s called ‘the thought sport’

CROQUET! It’s called ‘the thought sport’. So come and try something different at our HoopsaFun night on Friday 28th October from 7-9 p.m. at TTG Croquet Club cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley.
$10/session (cash only).
All equipment provided. Bookings at 82642964 or email: pee.kays@bigpond.com

My beautiful picture

CROQUET this Sunday

CROQUET this Sunday 28th August from 2-4 p.m. at Tea Tree Gully Croquet club, cnr Grand Junction and Barracks roads, Hope Valley.

It’s predicted to be a sunny day so come and join in our HoopsaFun event. All equipment provided. $10 entry (cash only). Proof of vaccination required, bookings 82642964

Come and join in the fun of playing

HoopsaFun! Come and join in the fun of playing (or learning to play) CROQUET at cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley. The next session will be held on Sunday 24th July from 2-4 p.m. and all equipment is provided. Even though it is winter time it doesn’t stop us from enjoying some physical activity. Proof of Covid vaccinations required. $10 Entry (cash only). Book at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com

CROQUET is a social game

CROQUET is a social game, so join in our Afternoon Croquet HoopsaFun on Sunday 26th June, 2-4 p.m, at cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Rds, Hope Valley. If you’ve never played before we’ll teach you. Bring a friend, too. All equipment provided. Proof of double Covid vaccination required. Entry $10 (cash only) Book at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com

CROQUET! Sunday afternoons HoopsaFun

CROQUET! Sunday afternoons HoopsaFun will be held during winter months on Sundays 26th June, 24th July, 28th August and 25th September 2-4 p.m. at cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley. Come and enjoy croquet and if you don’t know how to play we’ll teach you. All equipment provided. Proof of double Covid vaccination required. $10 entry (cash only). Book at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com

Before winter sets in…

 Before winter sets in, the last Friday night’s HoopsaFun event will be on 27th May from 7-9 p.m. Rug up and come to the croquet courts at cnr Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley. $10 entry (cash only) All equipment provided. Come and have a game – and if you are not sure how to play we’ll teach you. Proof of Double Vaccination required. During winter on the last Sunday of the months of June, July, August and September we will have Sunday Afternoon Croquet HoopsaFun from 2-4 p.m. Bookings can be made at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com


Friday night Twilight Croquet HoopsaFun at corner of Grand Junction and Barracks Roads, Hope Valley. The dates are 13th and 27th May from 7-9 p.m. $10 entry, cash only. All equipment provided, and if you don’t now how to play – we’ll teach you. Proof of Double COVID Vaccination required.
Please book at 82642964 or email pee.kays@bigpond.com

Twilight HoopsaFun events

It’s been a busy time at the club lately with people enjoying the experience of learning to play croquet. The next Twilight HoopsaFun events will be on Fridays April 8th and 22nd and May 13th and 29th from 7-9 p.m. Double vac required. Please book at 82642964